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The Text component enables rendering text using multi-channel signed distance functions (MSDF). A font can be created from a .ttf file to an MSDF representation as a JSON and a corresponding texture using msdf-bmfont-xml. We provide a set of precompiled MSDF fonts from here. There you will find a list of fonts you can instantly use in your applications. In the following, a Text is rendered with the Roboto font family.

Adding other fonts


Via the FontFamilyProvider, additional MSDF fonts can be added.

otherFont: ["", "inter.json"],

Generating your own msdf-fonts


For the precompiled fonts we provide, we have set up GitHub actions here.

Here is an example on how we compile the Robot Medium :

fontforge -lang=ff -c 'Open($1); SelectAll(); RemoveOverlap(); Generate($2)' font.ttf roboto.ttf 

npx msdf-bmfont -f json roboto.ttf -i charset.txt -m 256,512 -o public/roboto -s 48

The fontforge step is necessary because msdf-bmfont has a problem with overlapping paths which is creating weird artificats. The step merges overlapping paths into one and therefore eliminates the artificats.

Alternatively, use this online tool to generate the MSDF for you.

Code Example

import { Canvas } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { OrbitControls } from "@react-three/drei";
import { RootContainer, Container, Text } from "@coconut-xr/koestlich";
import { Suspense } from "react";

export default function App() {
return (
<OrbitControls />
<RootContainer backgroundColor="red" sizeX={2} sizeY={1} flexDirection="row">
<Container index={0} flexGrow={1} margin={48} backgroundColor="green" />
<Text fontSize={64} index={1} margin={48} marginLeft={0}>
Coconut XR

Textfields and Textareas

For text fields and text areas, we provide the @coconut-xr/input library.