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natuerlich supports WebXR Anchors Module with the useAnchor and usePersistedAnchor hooks. Both hooks return a tuple containing the anchor and a createAnchor function. If no anchor is present, the returned anchor is undefined. A new anchor is created once the createAnchor function is called. If the process is successful, the returned anchor will contain an XRAnchor.

The XRAnchor contains the anchorSpace property. The anchorSpace property can be used to display content at the position of the anchor using the SpaceGroup component. The SpaceGroup component takes the space property and renders all its children at the origin of the provided space.

In the following example, we create a box that can be positioned by pinching anywhere in the scene. Once the user pinches, the anchor and the box is set to that position. The anchor is persisted even when restarting the immersive experience.


The SpaceGroup component must be placed inside the ImmersiveSessionOrigin if a ImmersiveSessionOrigin is present. Furthermore, the "anchors" feature must be added to the sessionOptions for the WebXR Anchors Module to be active if supported by the device.

import {
} from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/defaults";
import {
} from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/react";
import { Quaternion } from "three";

const sessionOptions: XRSessionInit = {
requiredFeatures: ["local-floor", "anchors"]

export default function Index() {
const [anchor, createAnchor] = usePersistedAnchor("test-anchor");
const enterAR = useEnterXR("immersive-ar", sessionOptions);
return (
<button onClick={enterAR}>Enter AR</button>
<NonImmersiveCamera position={[0, 1.5, 4]} />
<ImmersiveSessionOrigin position={[0, 0, 4]}>
{anchor != null && (
<SpaceGroup space={anchor.anchorSpace}>
<mesh scale={0.1}>
<boxGeometry />
<meshBasicMaterial color="red" />
<Hands type="grab"
onPointerDownMissed={(e) => createAnchor(e.point, new Quaternion())}
<Controllers type="grab"
onPointerDownMissed={(e) => createAnchor(e.point, new Quaternion())}

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