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Custom Hands and Controllers

When building a custom hand or controller, we recommend looking at the existing default hands and controllers and modifying them to your needs. In some cases, a completely new interaction type, such as a WhipController, which selects objects with a physical-based whip-pointer, could be required. In such a case, an in-depth understanding of the xinteraction event system should be present.

The following two sections show how to build a basic custom hand and custom controller.

Custom Hand

For a more basic interaction, such as a FistGrabHand, which grabs objects based on the fist gesture, we can simply modify the GrabHand. We use the DynamicHandModel to display a hand model and the HandBoneGroup to display content on a specific joint. In this case, we place a XSphereCollider inside the wrist joint. Next, we bind press and release events of the XSphereCollider to the start and end of the fist pose.


For simplicity, the following example does not contain visual effects such as a cursor.

import { useRef, Suspense } from "react";
import { useHandPoses, DynamicHandModel, HandBoneGroup } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/react";
import { InputDeviceFunctions } from "@coconut-xr/xinteraction";
import { XSphereCollider } from "@coconut-xr/xinteraction/react";

export function FistGrabHand({
}: {
radius: number;
hand: XRHand;
inputSource: XRInputSource;
id: number;
}) {
const colliderRef = useRef<InputDeviceFunctions>(null);

(name, prevName) => {
const isFist = name === "fist";
const wasFist = prevName === "fist";
if (isFist == wasFist) {
if (isFist) {
colliderRef.current?.press(0, {});
if (wasFist) {
colliderRef.current?.release(0, {});
fist: "fist.handpose",
relax: "relax.handpose",

return (
<Suspense fallback={null}>
<DynamicHandModel hand={hand} handedness={inputSource.handedness}>
<HandBoneGroup joint="wrist">
<XSphereCollider ref={colliderRef} radius={radius} id={id} />

Custom Controller

In this section, we build a ShortPointerController, which is very similar to the normal PointerController but has a ray with a length of 10cm.

We start by rendering the controller model with the correct transformation. We use a SpaceGroup to render a DynamicControllerModel at the inputSource.gripSpace position. The DynamicControllerModel will automatically select the correct controller model and apply animations to the buttons etc.

Next, we add the ray originating from the inputSource.targetRaySpace. We again use a SpaceGroup to an XCurvedPointer from xinteraction and a Mesh from three.js inside at the targetRaySpace. The mesh receives a RayBasicMaterial, which fades the mesh out into the z-direction. The XCurvedPointer enables the controller to interact. By providing the points array to the XCurvedPointer, the ray is defined as a line starting from (0,0,0) and ending at (0,0,-0.1).

Lastly, we bind the selectstart and selectend events from the input source to the press and release events of the XCurvedPointer using the useInputSourceEvent hook.

import { RayBasicMaterial } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/defaults";
import { useRef, Suspense } from "react";
import { Mesh, Vector3 } from "three";
import { XCurvedPointer } from "@coconut-xr/xinteraction/react";
import { useInputSourceEvent, SpaceGroup } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/react";
import { InputDeviceFunctions } from "@coconut-xr/xinteraction";

const rayMaterial = new RayBasicMaterial({
transparent: true,
toneMapped: false,

const points = [new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1)];

export function ShortPointerController({
}: {
inputSource: XRInputSource;
id: number;
}) {
const pointerRef = useRef<InputDeviceFunctions>(null);

useInputSourceEvent("selectstart", inputSource, (e) => pointerRef.current?.press(0, e), []);
useInputSourceEvent("selectend", inputSource, (e) => pointerRef.current?.release(0, e), []);

return (
{inputSource.gripSpace != null && (
<SpaceGroup space={inputSource.gripSpace}>
<Suspense fallback={null}>
<DynamicControllerModel inputSource={inputSource} />
<SpaceGroup space={inputSource.targetRaySpace}>
<XCurvedPointer points={points} ref={pointerRef} id={id} />
scale-z={0.1} //10cm
<boxGeometry />

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