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useXR Hook

The useXR hook allows to retrieve the current XR state, including the mode (immersive-vr, immersive-ar, inline, or none), the session, the inputSources, the active layers, the trackedImages, and the trackedPlanes.

The hook allows developers to listen to any of these values using useXR(state => state.{property}). When only the current value is required, useXR.getState().{property} can be used.

For instance, if you have a cube that should only rotate in AR mode, you can use useXR.getState().mode to determine the current mode inside a useFrame hook.

const ref = useRef<Mesh>(null);
useFrame((_, delta) => {
const isAR = useXR.getState().mode === "immersive-ar";
if (!isAR || ref.current == null) {
ref.current.object.rotation.y += delta * 0.1;
return (
<mesh ref={ref}>
<boxGeometry />

Exiting a XR Session

The useXR hook can be used to exit the current XR session by retrieving the current state with the current session and then calling end on the current session.


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